Turkeys & More
2024 Happenings

Thank You Guild Mortgage

Recent $500 donors to Turkeys & More were Scott Peterson from Guild Mortgage (formerly Academy Mortgage) and Wayne Gennady.   Turkey founder Evalyn Adams said the group is very thankful for these donations which will help provide Thanksgiving meals to over 10,000 family members who are facing difficult financial times.  Additional help from other companies, service groups and individual donors would be greatly appreciated so there will be enough money to pay for the 2,000 turkeys which are already ordered.  Check made out to Turkeys & More can be mailed to P O Box 267, CDA, ID 83816.  To donate safely online, go to turkeysandmore.org.
Pictured from l:  Scott Peterson, Turkey committee member Mike Anson, Turkey president Nancy Nelson and donor Wayne Gennady.

Thank You CDA Kiwanis

The CDA Kiwanis helped buy a lot of turkeys by donating $1,000 again this year.  Turkeys & More founder Evalyn Adams thanked the group for being such great support for many years.  Because Thanksgiving is coming up in just a few more weeks, the CDA Kiwanis funds were really appreciated.  The Turkey group still has to raise over $30,000 to meet their goal to provide 2000 vulnerable families their Thanksgiving bird.  Adams said based on previous surveys, over 10,000 people will enjoy a delicious holiday meal because of the great support from service groups like Kiwanis and many other community donors.  Checks may be mailed to the non-profit at: Turkeys & More, P O Box 267, CDA, ID 83816. To donate safely online go to turkeysandmore.org.
Pictured from l: Turkey treasurer Bill Griffiths; Turkey secretary Mayte Eriksson; Kiwanis president Mike Laine and other members of CDA Kiwanis Jeannie Nugent, LaVonne Vinson, Linda Mayers and Megan Tollackson

Thank You P1FCU

P1FCU donated $500 to help buy Thanksgiving turkeys for November. Turkeys & More founder Evalyn Adams said recent donations have helped the group get closer to their goal of buying 2,000 turkeys for vulnerable families.  The Coeur Group will help again to distribute turkeys to almost 20 other food banks and social service agencies to pass out.  Those registering at the CAP Food Bank will be able to drive by and pick up their turkey at Unity Church the week before Thanksgiving.  Additional funds are still needed and Adams thanks those who will be able to send a check to Turkeys & More, P O Box 267, CDA,ID 83816.  To donate safely online go to turkeysandmore.org.
In picture:  Evalyn Adams, Ashley Adams – P1FCU Community Relations manager (and no relation to Evalyn) and Turkey president Nancy Nelson.

Thank You Mountain West Bank

Mountain West Bank donated $1,000 again this year to help buy Thanksgiving turkeys for vulnerable families.  The bank has been a supporter for many years and Community Relations manager Becca Johnson said they are glad to help families facing financial challenges have a nicer holiday.  Founder Evalyn Adams said Turkeys & More appreciates the recent donations, but they are still running behind last year.  She is hopeful others in the community will be able to assist by sending a check to P O Box 267, CDA, ID 83816.  Those wanting to donate safely online can go to turkeysandmore.org.  Any size donation to help buy 2,000 turkeys will be gratefully received and helps tremendously.
Pictured from l:  Mountain West employees Shane Leonard, Vanessa Mathews, Becca Johnson and Kristin Guild with committee members in Turkey shirts Dolly Bryant and Jerry Flowers

Thank You Unity Center for Spiritual Growth.

Unity Center for Spiritual Growth became a Diamond doner for the third year in a row by raising $5,000 to help Turkeys & More distribute 2,000 Thanksgiving turkeys.  Church donors were excited to share their smiles in a recent picture.  Turkeys will be distributed by the Coeur Group to almost 20 food banks and agencies serving vulnerable families the week before Thanksgiving.  Folks who pre-register at the CAP Food Bank will be able to come by Unity Church to pick up their turkeys which will be distributed by church members and other volunteers.  Turkey founder Evalyn Adams explained this was the first Diamond donation this year and it helped give a nice boost to fundraising efforts.  She said they were only about halfway to their fundraising goal, so additional contributions would be gratefully appreciated.  Checks can be mailed to the non-profit at Turkeys & More, P Box 267, Coeur d’Alene, 83816. 

Thank You New Dawn Duplicate Bridge Club

Members of the Coeur d’Alene New Dawn Duplicate Bridge club donated $1,000 to Turkeys and More to help buy Thanksgiving turkeys for families who are financially challenged.   Money has been a little more difficult to raise this year, so their platinum donation is greatly appreciated.   For those interested in learning more about this non-profit group serving Kootenai County or to see how to safely donate online go to: turkeysandmore.org.
 Pictured holding sign on the, left John Jacobs, director of New Dawn, and Bill Griffiths, treasurer for Turkeys & More and member of New Dawn.

Thank You Kootenai Electric Cooperative.

Turkeys & More was excited to receive a $2,500 donation again this year from Kootenai Electric Cooperative (KEC).  Founder Evalyn Adams explained donations were running a little behind this year and the group is hoping to buy 2,000 turkeys in November to serve over 10,000 people at Thanksgiving.  With support from the community those who are facing financial challenges will be able to enjoy a traditional holiday dinner in their home.  Adams thanks all the wonderful supporters who have donated to help reach a goal of over $70,000.  Checks will be gratefully received at Turkeys & More, P O Box 267, CDA 83816.  Those preferring to donate safely online can go to turkeysandmore.org.
Picture from left:  Mayte Eriksson, Turkey secretary; KEC board member Kerri Thoreson, KEC staff Lori Cogley, KEC board Jay Baker and Nancy Nelson, president of Turkeys & More

Thank You Pioneer Title Co.

All employees were excited to help buy turkeys with a donation from Pioneer Title of $1,000.  Founder Evalyn Adams said donations were running a little behind this year, so Pioneer’s boost was greatly appreciated.   Turkeys & More still wants to buy 2,000 Thanksgiving turkeys to serve approximately 10,000 people if others in the community can help provide for this wonderful tradition.  People are welcome to send a check to Turkeys & More, P O Box 267, CDA, ID 83814.  Those preferring to donate safely online to Fight Hunger and Feed Hope can go to turkeysandmore.org
Picture from left:   Carolyn Joslin, Turkey committee and Founder Evalyn Adams holding sign.  Pioneer employees are: Cassidy Noordam, Sarah Varga, Rose Westman, Jennifer Jenkins, Jenna Ahearn, Kendall Morrison, Debra Emery, Valerie Hanson, Julie Wilson, Heidi Smith, Brett Gile, Kim Divine and Tom Benz

Thank You Spokane Teachers Credit Union

Spokane Teachers Credit Union provided great help to buy Thanksgiving turkeys by donating $2,500 recently to Turkeys & More.   STCU has been a major donor for many years and Turkey founder Evalyn Adams emphasized how much they are appreciated.  Last year it cost Turkeys & More over $70,000 to purchase 2,000 Thanksgiving turkeys and supplies which are distributed to food banks throughout Kootenai County.  Adams said it would not be possible to continue this wonderful program without the support of STCU and the many other donors.  Turkeys cost over $2.00 per lb. in 2023 and because of problems with bird flu, it is anticipated the cost will be even more this year.  Because of the high costs of living these days, many folks would not be able to buy a turkey for their families holiday dinner.  The reason the non-profit works so hard to raise the funds is because they want people to know they live in a caring community and there is hope for the future. Turkeys need to be ordered soon and only about one-fifth of the needed funds have been raised. Thanks to others who will help by sending a check to Turkeys & More, P O Box 267, CDA, ID 83816.  People may also donate safely online by going to turkeysandmore.org.
Pictured from left:  Mayte’ Eriksson, Turkey secretary; STCU employees Khristefer Charvat, Public Relations Manager Kristen Piscopo, Wyatt Dickinson and Turkey committee member Carolyn Joslin.

Thank You Northwest Specialty Hospital

Northwest Specialty Hospital Employees are happy about the recent $1,000 donation to buy turkeys for vulnerable families at Thanksgiving.  Turkeys & More president Nancy Nelson expressed thanks for their continued support.  The hospital in Post Falls has made a significant donation for several years to support this annual holiday program.  The non-profit plans to provide 2,000 birds again this year which will be passed out to food banks and other agencies in Kootenai County. It is estimated at least 10,000 family member will enjoy a traditional turkey dinner in their home because of the support and donations from others like Northwest Specialty Hospital.  Turkeys need to be ordered soon so Nelson encourages others to donate toward this worthwhile cause.  Checks can be mailed to Turkeys & More, P O Box 267, Coeur d’Alene, Id 83816.  To donate safely online go to turkeysandmore.org.
Those in picture include Nancy Nelson, Turkey president; Carlos Klocko, Jamie Narex, Tina Sanders, Shawnda Sorensen and Katie Spiker from the hospital and Turkey committee member Mike Anson.

Thank You Idaho Central Credit Union

ICCU donated $1,000 again this year to Turkeys & More to help buy Thanksgiving turkeys.  Turkey treasurer Bill Griffiths said the non-profit really appreciates the continued support for this important tradition in Kootenai County.  He emphasized the bird flu problems continue to cause the birds to be very expensive and they are hoping it will be possible to order 2,000 turkeys soon.  Other donations will be greatly appreciated and can be mailed to Turkeys & More, P O Box 267, Coeur d’Alene, ID 83816.  To donate safely online, go to turkeysandmore.org.
pictured l – r
Mayte Eriksson, Turkey secretary; Octavian Rivas, Melanie Sloan, Jason Livingston, and Roxanne Kusler from ICCU and Bill Griffiths.

Thank You Monogram Homes

Levi Snyder from Monogram Homes presented a $1,000 check to Turkeys & More founder Evalyn Adams recently to help buy Thanksgiving turkeys.  Snyder said he and owner Cliff Mort have provided  donations for several years to make it easier for families facing financial challenges.  They were glad to learn around 10,000 recipients enjoyed a traditional holiday dinner in their homes last year and encouraged others to donate towards this worthwhile cause.  Adams emphasized it will soon be time to order the birds and the non-profit agency is short of the funds needed.  Checks can be mailed to Turkeys & More, P. O. Box 267, Coeur d’Alene, ID 83816.

Turkeys & More supporting the community

Turkeys & More at the Bacon, Bloodys and Brews festival with the Hayden Chamber of Commerce.
Pictured are Turkey Team members Nancy, Carolyn and Mayte’

Thank You Bank CDA

Brad Rasor of Bank CDA continued their support to buy Thanksgiving turkeys by donating $500 recently to Turkeys & More. He emphasized the importance of helping financially stressed families during this holiday season and was pleased to be able to assist with the November distribution of 2,000 turkeys to twenty food banks and service agencies in Kootenai County.  Founder Evalyn Adams said other folks who would like to help this important cause may send checks to Turkeys & More, P O Box 267, CDA, ID. 83816 or donate safely online at TurkeysandMore.org.  The non-profit appreciates donations now in order to confirm best price for ordering the birds in early summer.
Pictured are Turkey Team members Dolly Studebaker and Jerry Flowers, with Brad Rasor in the middle.

Thank You CDA Paving

CDA Paving recently donated $500 for Thanksgiving turkeys to be distributed by Turkeys & More.  Holly Virgio, CDA Paving Community Events Manager, said their company has donated for several years because they know it is important to get the needed funds raised early.  They realize the Turkey Team hopes to get the best buy in early summer to reserve 2000 turkeys scheduled for delivery in November.  Others who would like to help are encouraged to go online to TurkeysandMore.org to safely donate online. 
Pictured are Turkey Team members Mayte Eriksson and Dolly Bryant with Holly in the middle.  

Thank You Empire Airlines

Tim Komberec, CEO of Empire Airlines, flew in $750 bucks to help buy turkeys for families facing financial challenges at Thanksgiving.  Turkeys & More plans to order 2,000 turkeys again this year and anticipate 10,000 people will enjoy a traditional holiday dinner in their home.  Because of bird flu, turkeys continue to be expensive, and the Turkey committee is working hard to raise the necessary funds.  Donations will be gratefully received by check sent to Turkeys & More, P O Box 267, CDA, ID 83816.  To donate safely online go to turkeysandmore.org.  The Committee would love to have more volunteers so call Founder Evalyn Adams at 208 765-5535 if you are interested.
Those in picture from l – r  Turkey committee members in the black turkey shirts are Annie Luttropp, Dolly Studebaker, and Jerry Flowers.  Komberec is featured in the blue shirt.       

Thank You Coeur d'Alene Aerie 486 Eagles

Turkeys & More was excited to receive a donation of $1,500 recently from the Coeur d’Alene Aerie 486 Eagles to help pay for Thanksgiving turkeys.  A celebration Thank You was given at the Eagles by Turkey president Nancy Nelson Walz.  She said plans are to buy 2000 turkeys again this year to serve local families who are financially stressed.  She anticipates around 10,000 people will be able to enjoy a holiday dinner in their home because of the wonderful support and donations from the Eagles and others in the community that want to help.  Founder Evalyn Adams expressed her gratitude to the Eagles who have contributed turkey money for the last seven years for a grand total of $7,000.
Pictured L-R:
Loren Walz, T&M committee; Jamie Walton, Inside Guard; Scott Sutherland, Worthy Secretary; Nancy Nelson T & M president; Rod Stach, Trustee; Evalyn Adams; Bill Griffiths, T & M Treasurer; Matt Sullivan, Trustee; Laura Sutherland, Worthy President; Mike Blanton, Eagle member; Cathy Moruzzi, Worthy Treasurer; Frank Burnette, Worthy Conductor; Michael Walker, Worthy Past President; and Judey Brown, Trustee.

Thank You to our latest Diamond Donor

Washington Trust Bank

Washington Trust Bank Granted $5,000 late in 2023 to Turkeys & More making them a Diamond Donor.  The organization was delighted to finally arrange the thank you picture during Valentine’s month as we celebrate and honor the love, we all share for our community.  The non-profit had a very successful distribution of 2000 turkeys before last Thanksgiving.  Turkeys were donated to twenty food banks throughout Kootenai County and delivered by the Coeur Group, a significant supporter for many years. Turkeys & More thanks all past donors who helped make this a more joyous event.  Over 10,000 of our less fortunate friends and neighbors enjoyed a traditional holiday dinner in their homes last November. 
Pictured are T&M president Nancy Nelson, Washington Trust Director of Regulatory Compliance Elizabeth Schroeder, CDA Commercial Banking Team Leader Don Anderson,    Founder of T&M Evalyn Adams, new committee member Annie Luttrupp and T & M secretary Mayte Erikkson.